A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


The Kindness of Strangers

This post is epic, featuring an epic amount of win.  You have been warned.  Also, I'll only use "epic" one more time (erm...after that one) and I promise it won't be in conjunction with "win."  A few months ago Head Rush posted that he had a bunch of old 40k stuff stored at his parents' house that he hadn't touched in years and offered it up.  I pounced, and he said that the next time he visited them he'd box it up and ship it my way.  That time was Friday the 6th, which of course was the day before we left for vacation.  So now I present to you the kindness of strangers...who wouldn't even allow me to pay for shipping!

An epic box.

With a kind note!

A box within a box?!

That's a lot of swag.  How did he know that I've been trying to play FFVII (for the first time) on my PS3 since, oh, about this time last year?  Excuses...dwindling...

Holy shit.

Wretched gretchin.

Orks is best at fightin', killin', and dyin'!  Uh...waitaminute...

Boss, I've lost me arm!!

A Falcon!  I think?  And 2 Swooping Hawks, one slightly painted.

Uh oh, Dark Eldar.  Mike, wipe your chin.

Who the fuck needs fake metal zombies when you've got the real thing!  Some sort of undead WFB guys?

Trees!  Now I can stop stealing my 3-year-old's trees from his dinosaur playset.

Some skull totem doohickeys.

What the fuck, horse?

Cheatsheets!  Outdated ones, but cool nonetheless.

Blood Bowl?  One of the shield-marker things (2x3 in the top-right) has a spiked football on the reverse side.

Battlefleet Gothic!

Terrain tidbits.  Very handy.

Game aids and a random SM attack bike.

Oh wait, I forgot the 2 Ork vehicles.  A War Trukk and an Orky-ized attack bike?

The Emperor protects.  I said, out loud and to myself, "Fucking sweet, a Terminator!" when I dug him up.  I think the dude with the mohawk is a Space Wolf character, but I have no clue who.

Better shot of all the SMs.  You can't really see it, but the left-most guy in the middle squad has a ridiculously huge missile launcher of some sort, I love it.

Hello, my pretties.

Hmmm...could convert those guys to Blood Ravens (w00 DoW!) without much work.

Some random SMs.  See how much larger the ML is on the left-hand guy vs. the right?

The back-right guy is holding two chainsword handles.  I found one of the blades, but not the other.  There are a couple power fists hidden away there in the back.

The paint jobs on theses guys is pretty damn nice.

No base for the Land Speeder, but I've got so many clear Tau bases I can wrangle something.

Attack bike!  Rawr.

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