A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


Modular Weaponry

rheroux posted the other day some pics on how he'd magnetized his own battlesuits:
For comparison here's what I did, not following any guide but just making use of the materials and tools I had on hand and with my own (severely limited) creativity.  Keep in mind that this was a glued-together and primed model that I pried the weapons and support systems back off of in order to magnetize them.  That resulted in collateral damage to both the model proper and the weapons/systems, which I wasn't skilled or patient enough to properly clean up.  I'm confident that results would be substantially better on a model that was magnetized from the get-go.

Targetting Array, Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, and shoulder attachment points (MP goes on the left, TA on the right).

Arm mount for the Plasma Rifle.

Assembled.  The missile pod and plasma rifle, especially, are noticeably not flush with the model.  It works well enough on the table, though.  In the one 5-turn game I've played with this guy since I magnetized him, I think I only knocked a weapon off once.

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