A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


This Cadre Brought to You by finestaut

A couple weeks ago finestaut SM'd me and offered to send me a few Tau odds'n'ends he wasn't using.  Between the initial offer and actually mailing the box, he changed his mind about Tau and told me he was sending whatever he could cram into the box.  It arrived today, and he managed to cram a whole lot of awesomeness into a pretty small package.

Tau confetti.

That's not "some Tau," that's a whole fucking cadre!

Tabletop muster.

Gun drones, in a little need of some depot repair.

More Crisis suits!  Have I mentioned how much I love Crisis suits?  I love Crisis suits!

Mmm...Sniper Drones...they're so pretty...

Pathfinders!  I don't have any of these yet.  Well, I mean, now I do, but before today I didn't.  My first Fast Attack unit.

Same Pathfinders, worshiping at the Church of the Foot of XV88 like every Tau should.

XV15 Stealthsuits.  I'm not sure they make these any more, as they've been superseded by the XV25 (though GW's site still lists the XV15 for sale).  Mechanically I believe they're functionally identical to XV25s.

Ethereal and weird little drones of a type that only ever seem to accompany Ethereals.  Banish your fears...we act as one.

A Shaper!  And fucking Kroot Hounds!  Awesomesauce.  Now I'm going to have to buy more Kroot Hounds.

That's a lot of Fire Warriors!  29, in fact.  More than I had in the first place!  I wish I'd taken a closeup of the dude in the blue; he totally looks like he's chilling with a frosty stein in hand.

finestaut, you are a Shacker among Shackers, and I thank you profusely for your generosity.  I don't know when I'll ever play a game that will let me field that many Fire Warriors, but the XV8s, Kroot Hounds, and Pathfinders are extremely useful to me.  In the semi-fluffy games amrbean and I are playing I'm certain that Sniper Drone Team will be fielded, too; it's my third one, now, and the Tau FOC just so happens to let you take 3 SDTs as a single Heavy Support slot.


  1. Why can't you just call them armies like everyone else you arrogant bastard. That is what they are called.

  2. Tau call them cadres, you ignoramus. Go read your own codex before you gripe at me about what's in mine, eh?

  3. 1: Those are shield drones, you illiterate farmer.
    2: Did the blue guy finally lose his little gauss rifle barrel? When I mailed him, he was totally rocking a lightsaber.
    3: The XV15 hasn't been discontinued, but that Ethereal model has, which is a shame, because the new Ethereals are jank.
    4: The foot is supposed to be a sensor array. When I bought my army, the guy shipped me 50 XV-88 feet. They're surprisingly versatile bitz. I always thought it would be fun to set up a board with a few of those on each terrain piece, like they've already set up listening posts all over the area.
