A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


That'll Do, Pig

Well, they ain't exactly pretty, but they'll do.  Here's my first squad, all duded up in their gloppy-white armor.

Further painting is on hold until I get a new brush.  The one I used on these guys never actually came to a point, which made being precise (and I use that term both relatively and loosely) a stone bitch.  Right now I'm thinking of ordering this Reaper set of 3.  They're not the bestest brushes on the market, but the price is right and I've already sunk so damn much into my cadre that I'm cautious of further nickel'n'dimeing.  Given that shipping from just about anywhere is going to amount to a significant portion of the cost of the brushes in the first place, even that minor of a purchase is on hold for now.

So, next up is assembly of the Sniper Drone team, two XV8 Crisis Battlesuits, and two XV88 Broadside Battlesuits I bought a few weeks ago.  I'd forgotten that there were two XV88s.  Since I already paid for them, that was a pleasant surprise of a reminder!

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