A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


Albino Kroot

Pretty much finished priming all the assembled models I have this afternoon.  Unfortunately the white Rustoleum "plastic primer" I used on the Kroot was real thick, and it globbed out most of the detail on the models.  Part of me doesn't care 'cause A) I don't like Kroot and 2) they're much more complicated to paint than FWs and battlesuits, so my desire:patience ratio to do so was already very low.  But the perfectionist in me is eventually going to want to try the stuff discussed here

My ad hoc priming station.

Poor Kroot.  Those are the veteran FWs that survived this past week's game vs Mike.

Mechanized elements ahoy!  The one with the burst cannon attached is my Devilfish, the other is a to-be-magnetized Hammerhead.

The real reason people love and play Tau.

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