A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


Assembly Line

I tried a little assembly-line painting last night, and either I'm doing it wrong or it just doesn't work that well with how fiddly Tau are.  The 5 additional helmets you see down there took me a good hour+ to complete and I don't really feel a sense of accomplishment for it.  I'd probably have rather spent the time getting a single model further along.  That said, I'm going to continue trying the assembly-line method for at least these 5 guys (burgers anyone?) and see if it picks up any when I'm painting something aside from helmets.  But I doubt it.

Hmmm...echelon formation doesn't really work with a macro lens.

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