A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


Uniform Assembly

(Get it?  I'm assembling their uniforms and they're all the same.  I'm so witty.  Or not.)

Five more Fire Warriors undercoated with Astronomican Grey Foundation.  Took me about 5 straight hours on Saturday afternoon, while my wife was out playing with my sisters and mother and the boys were down for their nap.  The left legs of all the models caught far too much primer; really the entire left sides did.  I had to practically free-hand the outlines of the armor panels on their legs, which sucked.  I meant to try and get the white topcoat done on them all on Sunday, but I wound up playing Soulstorm (SP) and Dawn of War II (MP) for awhile.

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