A first-time Warhammer 40,000 player's chronolog of assembling, painting, and playing a Tau mechanized/light-hybrid small-points cadre.


And So It Begins


Not sure I'll ever be good at it.  Not sure I'm patient enough to ever be passable at it.  Not sure whether or not I enjoy it.  Not ready to give up on it quite yet, though.

I did give up on trying to thin the paint with water on the big piece of tile on the left there.  I couldn't get get a good consistency, and it was drying out real fast.  (That turned out to be a problem in general; I eventually had to close the pot between each dip into it for more paint.)  What I wound up doing was simply wetting the brush, giving it a light dab on the paper towel, then getting some paint directly out of the pot and going at it.  I guess in theory I'm diluting the paint still in the pot by doing so, but whatever, it's such a miniscule amount of water.

This is a Fire Warrior that's been primed black and given a bit of an undercoat in Astronomican Grey (a Citadel Foundation), with an eventual topcoat to be done in white.  I need a brighter light to help with determining what's supposed to be an armor panel and what's cloth; I'm positive I missed some armor.  I'm kind of aiming for an Imperial Stormtrooper-esque look (white armor, black cloth/seams), which is not at all original.  Oh well.  I plan on gussying it up a bit with the colors from the Macross: Do You Remember Love? version of Hikaru Ichijo's VF-1 Valkyrie (the red one, not Fokker's yellow one; sorry for the random link, but those were the best images I could find quickly).  The eye-lenses will be green.

(I guess captions go below pictures.)  Ready to begin.  Hello, Shack!

Still getting used to this whole macro lens thing.  Need a flat-topped thingy to blu-tack the model onto.

Not sure what I'm going to do with the backpack.  I mean, god damn, the lines and dots there are tiny.

I'm undecided on whether or not to keep the seams on the helmet visible.

Don't know what I want to do with the gun.  Trying out a few patches of (what will eventually be) white in an asymmetrical pattern.

I am Fire Warrior.  Rawr.

1 comment:

  1. Coming on great! Paint still looks a little clumpy though, maybe try watering it down a little more :)
